I recently read "Remarkably Bright Creatures" by Shelby Van Pelt and it was wonderful.
It is one of those types of books that I read slowly...so I would not finish it too quickly. Van Pelt creates characters that I wanted to meet and places I wanted to visit.
The ending actually left me feeling happy and hopeful
In short, I recommend this book.
Lately I have been exploring more places in my new town. (2 years now) I visited the Clark Institute and saw an amazing tapestry exhibit. Took my 3 year old grandchild, which was quite lovely. We sang "Oh,Mister Sun.mister golden sun" to 1 of the tapestries.
Today, we went to the Norman Rockwell Museum and saw an exhibit called "Original Sisters" by Anita Kunz. Portraits of Tenacity and Courage." It is an incredible collection of portraits of women throughout history till now. I was familiar with several, however many more were women that this exhibit introduced me to.
Anita Kunz, the artist,and award winning illustrator; said something that resonated with me. She said, (paraphrasing) that the remarkable women who were the subjects of her portraits not only inspired her but also that she could not imagine some of the struggles they navigated.
As I walked through this amazing collection of portraits,it reminded me how powerful it is to be inspired,uplifted, and encouraged.
Wishing you a week filled with inspiration and connection,
